<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" property="dct:title"></span> The following notes written by <span xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" property="cc:attributionName">Sergio Gutiérrez Rodrigo (sergut@unizar.es) </span>. Distributed under License Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional
Departamento de Física Aplicada
Universidad de Zaragoza
Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA)
C/ Pedro Cerbuna, 12, 50009, Zaragoza, España
For $r_p,r_s \gg \lambda \Longrightarrow$ $E_{cP}=\dfrac{\imath k A}{4\pi} \int_\sigma \dfrac{e^{-\imath k (r_p+r_s)}}{r_p r_s} \left( \cos(\theta)+\sin(\chi)\right ) d\sigma$
For $l_p,l_s \gg \text{aperture dimensions} \Longrightarrow$ $E_{cP}=cte \int_\sigma e^{-\imath k [(\alpha_s-\alpha_p)\xi+(\beta_s-\beta_p)\eta]} d\sigma$
import math
import numpy as np
def diff(theta, phi, k, rs, rp):
coss = (np.cos(theta) + np.cos(phi)) / (rs * rp)
E = coss * np.exp(-1j*k* (rp + rs))
return E
def diffraction_intensity_rectangle_numerical(xs, ys, xp, yp, S, P, A, a,b,lambda_nm):
k = 2.0 * math.pi / (lambda_nm*1e-9)
dx = a/100 # cartesian mesh (X and Y directions)
Nx = round(2 * a / dx) # Number of points in X-direction
Ny = round(Nx*b/a) # Number of points in Y-direction
E = 0.0+0.0j
for i in range(Nx):
xa = a * (Nx - 2 * i) / Nx
for j in range(Ny):
ya = b * (Ny - 2 * j) / Ny
rs = np.sqrt(S**2 + (xa - xs)**2 + (ya - ys)**2)
rp = np.sqrt(P**2 + (xa - xp)**2 + (ya - yp)**2)
# S=|zs| y P=|zp| cos(theta)=cos(N,-rs)=<N|-rs>/|rs| & cos(phi)=<N|rp>/|rp|
theta = math.acos(S / rs)
phi = math.acos(P / rp)
E+= diff(theta, phi, k, rs, rp)
E = 1j*E * k * A * dx * dx / (4 * np.pi)
return np.real(E*np.conjugate(E))
import numpy as np
def diffraction_intensity_rectangle_analytic(xp, yp, P, a,b, lambda_nm):
For (xs,ys)=(0,0)
k = 2.0 * math.pi / (lambda_nm*1e-9)
alfa_p=xp/np.sqrt(xp**2+P**2) #sin(theta)
beta_p=yp/np.sqrt(yp**2+P**2) #sin(phi)
tolerance=1e-9 # To avoid Zero Division Errors
U=k*a*alfa_p + tolerance
V=k*b*beta_p + tolerance
return Ip
Infrarrojo lejano con abertura rectangular
xs, ys = 0.0, 0.0 # meters
S, P = 20.0, 10.0 # m
A = 1 # Amplitude (arbitrary units)
a=1e-3 # m
b=a # m
lambda_nm = 600.0 # nm
k = 2.0 * math.pi / (lambda_nm*1e-9)
tolerance=1e-9 # To avoid Zero Division Errors
def calc_diff_pattern_phi0():
xpm = m*P*(lambda_nm*1e-9)/(2.0*a) # Plot the first m minima (direction a)
diff_pattern = []
for i in range(Xp):
print("iteration",i,' of ',Xp)
xp=xpm * (Xp - 2 * i) / Xp + tolerance
I_numerical= diffraction_intensity_rectangle_numerical(xs, ys, xp, yp, S, P, A,a,b, lambda_nm)
I_analytic= diffraction_intensity_rectangle_analytic(xp, yp, P, a,b, lambda_nm)
return np.array(diff_pattern)
iteration 0 of 100 iteration 1 of 100 iteration 2 of 100 iteration 3 of 100 iteration 4 of 100 iteration 5 of 100 iteration 6 of 100 iteration 7 of 100 iteration 8 of 100 iteration 9 of 100 iteration 10 of 100 iteration 11 of 100 iteration 12 of 100 iteration 13 of 100 iteration 14 of 100 iteration 15 of 100 iteration 16 of 100 iteration 17 of 100 iteration 18 of 100 iteration 19 of 100 iteration 20 of 100 iteration 21 of 100 iteration 22 of 100 iteration 23 of 100 iteration 24 of 100 iteration 25 of 100 iteration 26 of 100 iteration 27 of 100 iteration 28 of 100 iteration 29 of 100 iteration 30 of 100 iteration 31 of 100 iteration 32 of 100 iteration 33 of 100 iteration 34 of 100 iteration 35 of 100 iteration 36 of 100 iteration 37 of 100 iteration 38 of 100 iteration 39 of 100 iteration 40 of 100 iteration 41 of 100 iteration 42 of 100 iteration 43 of 100 iteration 44 of 100 iteration 45 of 100 iteration 46 of 100 iteration 47 of 100 iteration 48 of 100 iteration 49 of 100 iteration 50 of 100 iteration 51 of 100 iteration 52 of 100 iteration 53 of 100 iteration 54 of 100 iteration 55 of 100 iteration 56 of 100 iteration 57 of 100 iteration 58 of 100 iteration 59 of 100 iteration 60 of 100 iteration 61 of 100 iteration 62 of 100 iteration 63 of 100 iteration 64 of 100 iteration 65 of 100 iteration 66 of 100 iteration 67 of 100 iteration 68 of 100 iteration 69 of 100 iteration 70 of 100 iteration 71 of 100 iteration 72 of 100 iteration 73 of 100 iteration 74 of 100 iteration 75 of 100 iteration 76 of 100 iteration 77 of 100 iteration 78 of 100 iteration 79 of 100 iteration 80 of 100 iteration 81 of 100 iteration 82 of 100 iteration 83 of 100 iteration 84 of 100 iteration 85 of 100 iteration 86 of 100 iteration 87 of 100 iteration 88 of 100 iteration 89 of 100 iteration 90 of 100 iteration 91 of 100 iteration 92 of 100 iteration 93 of 100 iteration 94 of 100 iteration 95 of 100 iteration 96 of 100 iteration 97 of 100 iteration 98 of 100 iteration 99 of 100
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
y_analytic=diff_pattern[:,1]/np.max(diff_pattern[:,1]) # Normalized to 1
y_numerical=diff_pattern[:,2]/np.max(diff_pattern[:,2]) # Normalized to 1
plt.xlabel('X (m)')
plt.ylabel('Intensity (normalized to unity)')
Maxima at $U_M/\pi \iff \tan(U_M)=U_M$
Written by Pedro López García <821948@unizar.es>
import numpy as np
#Este bucle es para ir moviéndome por los sucesivos ceros
print("Número de máximo y coordenada (U/pi):")
print("(primer máximo en U=0)")
for n in range(1,20):
x = (np.pi)*(2*n + 1)/2 - 0.001 #Este es el valor inicial del metodo de Newton-Raphson
epsilon = 10e-7 #Pongo una tolerancia arbitraria para no hacer iteraciones innecesarias
for i in range (1,100): #Aquí comienza el bucle de Newton con la funcion f(x) = tan(x) - x
v = (np.tan(x) - x)/((np.tan(x))**2)
if v <= epsilon: break #Como a es la diferencia entre cada iteracion, lo tomo como tolerancia-
x = x - v #Metodo de Newton propiamente dicho
x = x/(np.pi)
print(n+1,x) #Imprime por pantalla numero del cero, valor y numero de iteraciones
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import ipywidgets as widgets
from ipywidgets import interactive
from ipywidgets import SelectionSlider
def plot_function_with_sliders(f, labels, x_min, y_min,ref_x,max_y,value_scale):
# Extract the parameter names from the function signature, excluding 'x'
parameters = list(f.__code__.co_varnames)[1:f.__code__.co_argcount]
# Create sliders for each parameter
# Define the base, min exponent, and max exponent for the slider
sliders = {}
for param in parameters:
#print("[initial value, min, max, step]=",value_scale[i])
sliders[param] = widgets.FloatSlider(value=value_scale[i][0],
# Create sliders for x_max and y_max
#print("[initial value, min, max, step]=",value_scale[i])
x_max_slider = widgets.FloatSlider(value=value_scale[i][0],
description='x scale',
#print("[initial value, min, max, step]=",value_scale[i+1])
y_max_slider = widgets.FloatSlider(value=value_scale[i+1][0],
description='I scale',
# Define a function to update the plot
def update_plot(**kwargs):
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
x = np.linspace(x_min-x_max_slider.value, abs(x_min)+x_max_slider.value, 200)
# Pass slider values as keyword arguments to the input function
params = {param: slider.value for param, slider in sliders.items()}
y = f(x, **params)
plt.plot(x/ref_x, y/max_y)
plt.scatter(x/ref_x, y/max_y,color='red')
plt.title("Intensity normalized at $(x_p,y_p)=(0,0)$ ("+str(max_y)+'$m^2$)')
plt.xlim((x_min-x_max_slider.value)/ref_x, (abs(x_min)+x_max_slider.value)/ref_x)
plt.ylim(y_min, y_max_slider.value)
# Create an interactive plot with the sliders
interactive_plot = interactive(update_plot, **sliders, x_max=x_max_slider, y_max=y_max_slider)
return interactive_plot
# Example of an input function
function=diffraction_intensity_rectangle_analytic #diffraction_intensity_rectangle_analytic(xp, yp, P, a,b, k)
# Define labels, axis limits, and initial parameter values
labels = ["x/a", "Intensity (norm.)"]
x_min = -m*P*(lambda_nm*1e-9)/(2.0*a)
y_min = 0.0
max_y = (a*b)**2
ref_x = a
# value_scale (each): [initial value, min,max,step]
value_scale=[[1e-9,-1e-2,1e-2,1e-3], # yp
[P,0.1*P,10*P,0.1*P], # P
[a,0.1*a,10*a,0.1*a], # a
[b,0.1*a,10*a,0.1*a], # b
[lambda_nm,0.5*lambda_nm,3.0*lambda_nm,0.1*lambda_nm], # lambda (wavelength) in nm
[-a,0.1*a,10*a,0.05*a], # x scale
[1.0,0.01,50.0,0.05]] # y scale
# Create the interactive plot
interactive_plot = plot_function_with_sliders(function,
x_min, y_min,
# Display the interactive plot
def diff_pattern_2D():
xpm = m*P*(lambda_nm*1e-9)/(2.0*a)
ypm = xpm
diff_pattern = []
for i in range(Xp):
xp=xpm * (Xp - 2 * i) / Xp + tolerance
for j in range(Yp):
yp=ypm * (Yp - 2 * j) / Yp + tolerance
I_analytic=diffraction_intensity_rectangle_analytic(xp, yp, P, a,b, lambda_nm)
return np.array(diff_pattern)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Generate some sample data (replace this with your numpy array)
data =diff_pattern_2D
# Extract x, y, and the value from the data
x = data[:, 0]
y = data[:, 1]
value = data[:, 2]/np.max(data[:, 2])
# Reshape the value to a 2D grid for contour plotting
x_unique = np.unique(x)
y_unique = np.unique(y)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_unique, y_unique)
Z = value.reshape(len(y_unique), len(x_unique))
# Create a contour plot
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
contour = plt.contourf(X, Y, np.rot90(Z), levels=500, cmap='viridis',
plt.colorbar(contour) # Use scientific notation for colorbar
plt.xlabel('x (m)')
plt.ylabel('y (m)')
plt.title('Intensity (normalized to unity)')
plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') # Set equal aspect ratio