General information and recommendations (información general y recomendaciones)

Multirobot Systems is an optional subject of 3 ECTS credits of the Master's Degree in Robotics, Graphics and Computer Vision from the University of Zaragoza. The contents of this subject are framed within the subject of Advanced Topics in Robotics.

In this subject, general concepts of multi-robot systems are presented, addressing theoretical aspects, implementation and their practical application. Compulsory subjects of "Autonomous Robots" and "Computer Vision" have been taken in the previous semester, which introduce some of the basic principles used in this subject. In this course, students learn to analyze and design multi-robot systems, understanding the significance and advantages of systems made up of multiple robots in various applications, as well as their potential in different fields.

It is advisable to have successfully completed the subjects of Autonomous Robots and Computer Vision, and to have solid skills and knowledge of mathematics and programming.

This course is recommended for students interested in robotics and multi-robot systems. These topics are fundamental and of great importance today, with a wide range of applications related to both industrial automation and research. In this course, a global perspective of the problems associated with multi-robot applications is offered, and the knowledge of modeling, analysis, design and implementation of robotic applications is deepened.

The study and continued work, from the first day of the course, are essential in order to successfully advance and follow the course. It is important to solve any doubts that may arise as soon as possible, by contacting with the teacher, both during classes and during the office hours assigned to it.

Last modified: Monday, 30 May 2022, 12:45 PM