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OpenCourseWare: Multi-robot systems
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Ingeniería y Arquitectura
Contenidos (Materials)
Exercise1: The consensus protocol (colab & pyt...
Exercise1: The consensus protocol (colab & python)
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◄ The Consensus Problem
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Rosario Aragüés
Gonzalo López Nicolás
Enrique Teruel
Link to course information (enlace a la Guía Docente)
Aims of the course (objetivos del curso)
General information and recommendations (información general y recomendaciones)
Course planning (organización del curso)
Bibliography and suggested reading (bibliografía)
W1: The work associated to this week consists of the following tasks:
Presentation and Introduction
W2 to W5: The work associated to each week consists of the following tasks:
Introduction to Swarm Robotics
Flocking with Boids
SmallWorld2D and exercises
W6 to W9: The work associated to each week consists of the following tasks:
The Consensus Problem
Advanced Topics on Consensus
Lab (description, mandatory parts, optional parts)
Optionals GAZEBO: explanation of DRAFT files provided
W10 to W13: The work associated to each week consists of the following tasks
Multirobot formation control
Practical Exercise. Multirobot formation for target enclosing
Persistent coverage
Practical Exercise. Persistent Coverage
Multirobot collision avoidance
Practical Exercise. Hybrid reciprocal velocity obstacle method (HRVO)
W14 to W15: The work associated to each week consists of the following tasks:
Advanced Topics on Consensus ►