W10 to W13: The work associated to each week consists of the following tasks
- W10: Finish the work in progress
associated to the previous part "The consensus problem": Brief report
(about 1500 words) and code of the exercises and lab
assignments, mandatory parts. Read the document "Multirobot formation
control" associated to the current part "Multi-robot applications",
included the links provided.
- W11: Solve the exercise that appears at the document "Practical Exercise. Multirobot formation for target enclosing".
- W12:
Read the document "Persistent coverage", included the links provided. Solve
the exercise that appears at the document "Practical Exercise. Persistent
- W13: Read the document "Multirobot collision avoidance", included the links provided. Solve the exercise that appears at the document "Practical Exercise. Hybrid reciprocal velocity obstacle method (HRVO)".